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Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component evaluation.Network supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal.
Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993
Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993
Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies,oscillators,crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to engineer II.
Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992
Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for environmental testing.Performed reliability lift testing on computer systems.Installed/maintained 20 user.Novell,Arcnet LAN system.Examined system and sub-system susceptibility to electrostatic discharge in order to meet IEC-801-2 industry standards.Analyzed complete power and load of computer system and subsystem to verify power and load estimations.
Assistant Engineer 1981-1990
Performed extensive hardware evaluation ion prototype computers,tested prototype units for timing violation using the latest state-of-the-art test equipment,digital oscilloscopes and logic analyzers.Performed emvironmental,ESD and acoustic testing.Designed and built a power-up test used to test prototype computers during cold boot.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
--University of Southern California 1990
Associate in Engineering Electronics
--University of Southern California 1981
Job descriptions emphasize candidate's accomploshments.
Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.
弹吉他(play the guitar)、阅读(reading)、话剧(play)、慢跑(jogging)、
长跑(long distance running)、集邮(collecting stamps)、打桥牌(play bridge)、打网球(play tennis)、下棋(play chess)、旅游(traveling)、缝纫(sewing)、听交响乐(listening to symphony)、搞泥塑(do some clay scultures)
你认为你自身需要改进的地方,无论是工作习惯,还是专业知识,或是交流能力,等等。任何一个潜在的弱点必须附有能使之转变为一种潜在能力的积极有效的方法。(Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in,whether it be work habits,business knowledge,communication,etc. Any potential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.)例如:
我有时对自己要求过于严格。(I tend to drive myself too hard.)
我对别人的能力期望过高。(I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)
我喜欢速战速决。(I like to see a job done quickly.)